Enquiries and booking...
Contact Glenn Hurst Music
Tel: 01473 252098

Join our mailing list
Glenn Hurst Music occasionally run big band events in Suffolk (UK) that may be of great interest to fans of swing and ballroom dance. Many of our followers request more of these events and we do our best to inform interested parties through our mailing list when our next dance will take place.
If you would like to be added to our mailing list then please either send us an email with your contact details using the email address above, or fill in the contact form below and we will add you to our mailing list. To ensure you receive our emails please add our email address ( to your email contacts/address book otherwise our notifications may be rejected by your ISP's spam filter.
We would like to stress that we do not release your contact information to any third parties and will remove your details from our mailing list anytime upon request.

swing band, mainstream jazz, trad jazz, wedding bands, party music,